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AAPT Reset Method ///

"We prescribe many different ways to reset a muscle which may include a combination of many disciplines."

Point Reset™ 

Our POINT RESET ™ physical therapy services help you recover faster and perform at your absolute best.


Our services also employ a special dry needling method, patented under U.S. Patent No. 10,751,249, that was developed by Dr. Cody Johnson, DPT which has been practiced with optimum results for many years.



"Our physical therapy approach to pain is what sets us apart."

At AAPT we believe that the imbalance of nervous system output alters movement patterns and causes pain. We educate you on how to “release” the tension and stress, restoring normal movement patterns, relieving pain, and reducing your risk of further tissue damage.


Hypersensitive muscles play a big role in pain and movement. Our goal is to help the body relax and restore nervous system output at locations of imbalance that often go unnoticed. By doing this, the areas of the body will respond appropriately, which will allow for improved functionality and decreased pain.


Hyper sensitive regions anywhere in the body can affect a wide number of physiological systems and structures. When muscles constrict and become tight, your mobility will become restricted, and any movements you make can result in pain. 


Our Reset method treatment model is the most effective form of getting rid of tight, painful or hypersensitive muscles and increasing movement patterns. 






Fax 800.213-4413


820 S Alma Drive, Suite 110  

Allen, TX  75013  




Mon-Th:  9:00 am – 5:30 pm


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